Beware ! Couch Potato Husband .

Posted on October 27, 2007. Filed under: Family Issues | Tags: , , , , |

After you get married , it is not happily ever after like those fairy tales you read when you were small.

Marriage is not the way you envisioned it without taking into considerations of your other half who have her own visions of what a marriage is suppose to be like .

Her visions of marriage may not be the same as yours and you need to find out and listen carefully what she expects from you.

Many  naive men made the mistake that once they got married , their spouse would serve them ,cook ,wash ,look after the kids and do everything for them like their mothers  do.

They treat their wives as an extension of their mothers.This explains their general  attitude  towards their wives.They are so used to taking and not giving back. They get pampered by their mothers and expect their wives to do the same towards them.

Many wives are left high and dry by their men’s  selfish attitude and they could not change their men’s mindset. Men think that after marriage, their wives would serve them forever .They think that they have done their part by bringing home the pay cheque and that’s the end of it.

They then sit back and expect their wives who may be a full time housewife or working wives to  serve and attend to their needs or all those household chores are  solely the women’s  responsibilities.

 He becomes a couch potato and watch T.V most of the time or read the papers and have no time to talk to her.He talks to her in monosyllables or grunts unlike before when he was romancing her and paid her much attentions.

They take each other for granted, for life has  fallen into a boring and monotonous routine.He does his things and she does hers.

People can change over time. Everyday is a different day and as you get older, your views also changed. Sometimes the men who sit infront of you everyday is like a total stranger .

Women seek love and emotional attachments and they like to please their husbands.

They want to be told that they are needed and their contributions  play a very important part in their husband’s life or in their family.

A praise here and there tells her that she is doing the right thing and have the attention and love of the husband.This build up their self esteemed and confidence and will make them happy.

Many a beautiful women upon married  becomes  sad and cannot smile anymore because of the treatment of their spouse. Those men did not know how to please their wives and instead make her felt worthless and a burden.

.Many husbands are misers when it comes to giving  praises  but criticisms and complaints comes forth from their mouth unceasingly .They want their wives to be perfect while they are slobs and  their double standards. 

 Giving praises is like giving a sweet to a kid.His face would light up and his happiness bubbles forth. If you give a praise a day to your wife, you will make her happy and you don’t need all those  cosmetics to make her young and happy. Be genuine and don’t flatter her.

It is only words and it does not cost you a single cent but the right words spoken at the right time and right place is like honey, it’s sweetness can melt even the most critical and hardened heart.

Be generous in your praises and miser in your criticisms and complaints. Don’t criticise and complaint is the best policy. Do unto others if you want others to do unto you.

Check and see if you have become a couch potato or that you have been inattentive to your spouse . Your spouse is like a plant and need sunlight to grow healthy and happy.

Otherwise, your plant will grow towards another sun which shines on her way.

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