Scoop On Poop.

Posted on December 8, 2007. Filed under: Health | Tags: , , , |

No one wants to talk about it because this is a stinky subject. Everyone does it privately but knowing some information’s about our poop is an advantage. We can analyze intelligently what is wrong with our digestive system. There are so many questions but we don’t know where to look.

I have found this wonderful site which explains all about poop. When I was small, I used to wonder why we have so colourful poops. Does a different race have different coloured poops? I have seen yellow, green, black, pink and slightly reddish poops. The colour and texture of your poop can indicate your health or problems

Why sometimes when we eat very hot chilies, we have a burning sensation when we poop. Why some people’s poops are so smelly? Why animals don’t have to swipe theirs while humans have to clean their leftovers? Why the poops float on the water surface? Do we poop everyday or poop only when we have the feelings? Why dogs eat poop? You can get all the answers at this site.

People who live in big towns may not see cow poops ,but in the rural areas, the cows are left to roam freely about. If you accidentally step on a cow poop, you may find some money on the road and I found this is quite true. I don’t know why.

In India, cow dungs are used for lighting in the poor rural areas. They collect the fresh cow dungs and dump them into a well and collect the gas to light their lamps. In some Western countries, they have the latest technology to extract the gas from cow dungs to generate electricity

Drug addicts sniff the gas from those fresh cow dungs to get high. Those cow dungs make natural fertilizers for your plants and it is cheap ..LOL!


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