My Husband Has Lost Interest In Sex With Me !

Posted on October 14, 2008. Filed under: Man-Women Issues | Tags: , , , , |

Sex is the barometer of the health of your marriage. If your sex life is lousy or non existent, your marriage is in the dumps. Men and women have different sex drive and they can have sex until their ripe old age.

It is usually the men who initiate the sex and when they do not, the woman will have to take over. The man’s sudden lack of sexual desire for her can be very frustrating and perplexing.

She will have a gamut of emotions running through her veins. Is it her fault that he has lost interest in sex ?It may not be entirely her fault but she could have contributed to his predicament.

There could be many reasons for his lack of interest and she will have to find out the real reasons . Is it because of stress, ED, he is not into her anymore ,an affair,addiction to porn,problems in their relationship, his age, gay… etc.

Most of the time , the arrival of a baby can be a trying time and this can bring new changes in their relationships as the woman has to devote a greater part of her time for the newborn and the men may feel neglected as a result.

What can the women do to make him regain his interest back ?

She may try to change her wardrobe or overhaul her complete image and use more of those aphrodisiac. She could ask him to take more nutritious foods, exercise and sleep more to recharge his tired batteries.

She should communicate with him and understand his feelings and give him some time to readjust his emotional hang ups. If there is no change, they should seek professional help .If she still love him , she will have to resigned to her fate or the worst, dump him and look for another hot guy.

For further readings:-

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Husband and I hadn’t had sex, love, intimacy in 45 years. The only sex we had was on our wedding night. Before we were married everything was great, back then sex before marriage was a no-no. I think he hid the fact that sex wasn’t his thing, and sex the one time was it. The day after our wedding he went right back to work on the midnight shift and moved all of his things down to the basement. I asked what kind of married life are we going to lead. He told me to deal with it, he wanted nothing to do with me and he told me so, sex was stupid, way to much work and totally disgusting and messy. I said I wanted kids, love and affection, and again he said not with me. Go find some one who will have kids with you, but make sure he supports them, I’m not. Shortly there after I found out he got himself fixed. Its been a lonely, depression filled, unloved, unwanted life. I dislike the word hate but I know what it means now. I keep hoping some morning I won’t wake up and it will be all over.

My husband lost interest and said it was b/c he could not achieve an erection but after going to Dr. for viagra i have decided he must of lied b/c he still is not getting an erection. I suppose his desire is gone. I am crushed as i have tried everything ,weekend getaways,sexier clothes and complementing his appearance. I suppose that i am the problem.It sucks!

Laura1318 :- My sympathies to your predicaments. I cannot offer you any solutions to overcome this problem. I think you can Google this question and find alot of tips on this topic.

Do not blame yourself.It is not your fault.If he has seen a doctor, there is not much one can do but to accept the reality of the situation.

If you find this situation untenable , then there is no other alternative but to seek a divorce and marry another ?

Do not women suffer from the same hang ups ?
Life never has to be dull. Always do somthing out of the norm.
Perhaps somthing so simple as going to a park together. Or more exciting, turn off all media for one week to have a media vacation. (becomes communication). No leaving to friends or family. unless together.
Nothing is more important than the one you love !
Turn it off, turn it down, and turn it on.

Laura1318: Thanks for your input. Women suffer from a lack of romance after the marriage.The men stop chasing after the marriage

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