Beautiful Women But ….

Posted on June 28, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized, Women Issues | Tags: , , |

They are very beautiful women with flawless skins , sweet and charming smiles, taking part in a modelling contract in a new T.V show but they are no ordinary women for they have disabilities.

They were from the UK, Netherlands and the US and their ages were from 19 to 27.

The picture of them is so perfect that you could never discover their secrets. They have the confidence to strut their stuff for the T.V and are oblivious to their disabilities. They live a normal life like others who are more fortunate.

Some of them were born that way while others had met with an unfortunate accident . They do not need our pity or sympathies. They can carry their heads held high .

I admire their spirits and their toughness and even though they have disabilities , they never allow it to get into their way of life and happiness. They are able to understand life better .

The show’s creators hoped the series would challenge pre-conceived notions of beauty and raise disability awareness. We should get use to seeing people with disabilities and treat them as equals.

For those of us who have a normal and perfect body , you are blessed and please do not feel that you have an ugly body or certain parts of your body are ugly. They are perfect in God’s eye.

Reference and thanks to ;-,22049,23945411-5006003,00.html

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